
There is truth. There is the absolute truth. It either is or is not. It happened or it didn’t. What we think about it doesn’t affect it. It is not open to interpretation—it is not relative. It doesn’t matter what race you are or where you grew up. You don’t get your truth, despite what Oprah may say. The truth is absolute but our ability to grasp it, is not, unfortunately.

So how do we know? We have a brain, we have senses. We have reason. We can trust or distrust who tells us. There is order in the universe. We can see it. Some say that there is no God, that it all happens randomly—it is a book without an author. Did our human DNA code itself by natural selection? I think not. That’s the subject of another article or a series of articles. I am assuming God is the Creator, the God of the Bible. Ultimately God is truth, a truth that transcends our understanding and certainly transcends the dirty business of politics.

Ultimately, truth is God. Without God there is no truth, no morality.

“Jesus saith to him: I am the way, and the truth, and the life.”

John 14:6

It’s the battle between good and evil. You can only be on one side or the other; there is no middle ground. God is I Am Who Am, the Devil is I am who is not.

This used to be obvious. The framers of the constitution knew it. They called it “self-evident,” which is a fancy way to say “obvious.” But alas, we no longer live in Christendom. Collectivism is ascendant again. Collectivists have no use for God-based truth, truth is what they say it is. Pravda.

Lies are now peddled as truth. Ascent or you are a racist, or a bigot, or a xenophobe. No debate. Submit. Let’s look at an example. There are two sexes, male and female; XY and XX chromosomes. That is an indisputable scientific fact. A minuscule portion of the population suffers from gender dysphoria, and the left exploits these people as the next civil rights cause celebre. “Trans rights are human rights,” they say. And what is the “right” they seek? They want to force the rest of us to believe the lie. The chromosomes cannot be changed. A man in a dress is still a man. The scientific establishment changed their definitions of homosexuality and gender dysphoria because of political pressure, not any scientific reasons. The left does not care about these people. They only care about control. Hypocritically the left also embraces Islam, where dudes in dresses are thrown off buildings, Christianity? Not so much. A good example of doublethink. I long for the days when Orwell will be fiction again.

Science is the new buzzword, the gospel to the left. Except for scientists who disagree, they are not debated, they are censored, ridiculed, or even canceled. This, by the way, is a very good indicator of truth. If they have to censor a fact and repeat the lie over and over. If it were not true, then simply prove it. We must accept lockdowns and masks, despite the lack of efficacious evidence. It’s nothing but gleichschaltung, that’s what the Nazis called going along to get along. That didn’t end well. They’re trying to make it normal—moving the Overton Window. It’s not normal.

I don’t have all the answers, but I don’t believe the left, their lies, nor their lackeys in the media and big tech. We will only be free if we stand up for the truth, love each other, and not fall into the trap of sheep divided by lies, who hate each other.