
The world is upside down. Citizens are arrested for not wearing masks and restricted from traveling, while illegal aliens are sprinkled around the country, at taxpayer expense, with no TSA checks. The regime stops construction on the wall on the border but puts up fences and razor wire in Washington. Children are prevented from going to school, but illegal aliens get in-person instruction. Politicians propose gun confiscation while protected by police and soldiers. Their police get increased funding while ours are starved of it. The list goes on and on: stolen elections, cancel culture, censorship, Critical Race Theory, Gender Theory, the 1619 project. It’s too much for the average person to comprehend—much less defend against.

“Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth,” is a law of propaganda often attributed to the Nazi Joseph Goebbels. The Democrats who stole power in the last election and their lackeys in the media know this. Unmoored from Western morality (which they censor) they foist their plans on us. Marx, Alinsky, and Cloward–Piven are in full bloom. Create a crisis; exploit. Rinse and repeat. Too many people don’t know they are subject to manipulation—they believe what they read: it’s the other guy—the “white supremacists.” It’s all so Orwellian.

It’s overwhelming, by design. All of these crises are designed to generate an outcome: The great reset. It’s a bleak future except for the elite few. Most people just want to live their lives and be left alone; they trust authority, they don’t believe it can be corrupt. Preying on this trust, they’ve conditioned most of us to go along to get along. “Two weeks to flatten the curve!” Here we are a year later; frogs in the proverbial simmering pot.

I don’t know about you, but I’m not going to accept this “new normal.” I’m adding a big dose of skepticism to everything I hear and read. The first question we should ask is who benefits? Qui Bono.

There are few sane voices. One of the best is Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò. You may not know him, he exploded onto the scene by exposing former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick; who was one of the most influential Princes of the Church—Francis’ right-hand man; who brokered the disastrous Sino-Vatican deal; thoroughly corrupt and degenerate: a major player in the New World Order.

Viganò is one of the few bishops who is speaking the Gospel truth. Forced into hiding for his life, he has been a voice crying in the wilderness, in a sea of feckless effete bishops. He wrote an article explaining all of this, which is well worth the read.