
Journalism is dead in this country, for the most part, except for a few shining examples. One of them is Raheem Kassam’s, National Pulse. Most of the media, in lockstep with the Democratic Party and the corrupt Republicans, who comprise the swamp, for lack of a better term, are propping up the Biden regime by blissfully ignoring facts, gaslighting, and propagandizing us. They have no interest in actual journalism, they’re activists.

Mr. Kassam and his 19 year old rockstar reporter, Natalie Winters, are doing the work the media should be doing. Here are a few examples from today’s site:

REVEALED: DC Mayor Bowser & Cabinet Picks Met With Top ‘Influence’ Arm Of Chinese Communist Party.
EXC: Romney, Schumer Advisers Among Dozens Of Congressional Staffers Participating In Chinese Communist Party Exchange Program.
EXC: Congressional Black Caucus & Biden HUD Nominee Sent Constituents On Chinese Govt-Paid Trips To Laud “Amazing Communist Country.”

Remember when the media was force-feeding us a diet of “Trump Colluded wIth Russia!” “Russia! Russia! Russia!” Nonstop for five years, without a shred of evidence. We know it was all made up. It was a Bolshevik smear campaign, plain and simple. They got their investigations, impeachments, and lapdog press coverage.

Democrats don’t even hide their totalitarian tendencies anymore. The media does it for them. They operate in plain site; dismantling the country our founders created. Half of the country backs their efforts, knowingly or unknowingly.

Here is one of many examples of their totalitarian policies. The other day, Rep. Jerry Nadler said “… what any religious tradition describes as God’s will is no concern of this Congress,” He said the quiet part out loud. So-called “trans rights” are anti-science. Like everything on the left, it’s based on a lie. They don’t care about people with gender dysphoria. They are attempting to force you to accept the lie. They don’t want you to just say, “2+2=5,” they want you to believe it. Western civilization must be destroyed for the “new normal.”

Trump was knocking the stuffing out of the Chinese Communists. The economy was booming. Wages and opportunities for the little guy were expanding. Hong Kongers were waving American flags. The Chinese Communists and their allies in the Democrat Party couldn’t have that. A pandemic appears. Democrats impose lockdowns. Race riots appear. The economy tanks, there is massive deficit spending. Trump is blamed for it all.

Ask yourself. Who is benefiting? The little guy—the average American, or the oligarchs—awash with Chinese Communists cash?